发布日期:2023-12-15   来源:上海市光明中学   作者:张唯雯 供稿 陈虓 摄影








文艺联欢晚会从慷慨激昂的国防演讲开始,我校高一6班李钧霖同学作为本次总第1020团演讲比赛的冠军,为同学们进行了“爱我国防 强国有我”的主题演讲展示。我校高一7班张又友同学则获得了此次演讲比赛的亚军,也进行了上台领奖。



(张唯雯 供稿 陈虓 摄影)




高一1班 黄俊哲

With daily training, military training is also approaching its end.

What impressed me most was last night's practice--6 kilometers walk. Although this distance may sound astonishing, we didn’t lose confidence in completing this task. As the distance decreased, our spirit gradually grew stronger. At the end of the task, the commander announced that no one gave up halfway, which impressed me deeply. We stick together and have a strong sense of collective consciousness.

During the training, each of us persevered, united and worked hard to complete the task. Everyone has made progress in this military training. On the future learning path, we will keep moving forward.


高一2班 贾皓森

Today we learned how to throw hand grenade and listened to a lecture about light firearms. This is the part I expected most because I’m always interested in military weapons.

When the hand grenade was thrown, I straightened my arms and threw it hard according to the drillmaster’s instruction. Although I didn’t do well at first, I quickly mastered the skill.  After several practice, I successfully threw the hand grenade into the designated position.   Through this training, I understood that grenade throwing is not about the distance but about accuracy. The drillmaster also introduced a brave soldier who sacrificed himself to protect others to us.

At the lecture about firearms, I learnt the rigorous standards and the discipline of the army. Every solider undergoes strict and tough training. Thus, I have a deeper respect for soldiers.


高一3班 周创

It is the third day of the military training. It seems that we are a little bit tired, but we don’t give up.

Early in the morning, we had morning exercise and listened to the drillmaster’s instruction. And then we had breakfast in the dining hall. After the short break, we learned how to set up camp with the help of the drillmaster. We were divided into two teams. We shared our ideas with our teammates and cooperated with each other. We did a wonderful job at last. Later in the afternoon, we took great effort to learn Bufu Quan whose purpose is to catch the enemies that are caught by the army.

Although I felt tired, I learned a lot from today’s activities.  I hope we will make more progress in the following days and enjoy the training.


高一4班  陈悦

This week we came to the Oriental Land to participate in the military training. Through various activities, we have learned the value of team spirit and the importance of strict discipline.

In the past three days, we have learned the common methods of hemostasis in first aid. We felt the strength of the collective in the group activities deeply and also listened to several lectures about the national defense education attentively which aroused our patriotic feeling.

This evening, we are going to walk six kilometers together. I am really looking forward to the Long March.


高一5班 林晓涵

As a student in the first year of high school year, I have the opportunity to participate in the military training. I believe it is an extraordinary experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on me.

Stepping on the first ray of sunshine in the morning, military training arrived as promised. The national flag rose high in the central square. Although the weather is extremely cold, we could hardly control excitement. We all took the training seriously.

As for me, one of the most memorable aspects of the military training is that we work as a team. We encourage each other, help one another overcome challenges and celebrate our achievements together. This sense of unity and support is bound to create a strong bond among us, which I believe will last forever.


高一6班 林申邦

Today is the third day of the military training and I can feel that through continuous training, I have made significant progress day by day.

To be frank, it’s the third time that I have participated in the military training. But there’s something different. Unlike previous military trainings, this time I act as the captain of our battalion. At first, I worried whether I could take on the task. With the help of the drillmaster, I tried my best to manage the battalion and acted as a role model. Luckily, I did it well and won the praises of classmates and teachers.

There is no doubt that the military training is very difficult and tiring, but it is an unforgettable experience in our life. It is not just about strengthening physical endurance, but also about cultivating will power. Undoubtedly, the five-day military training will leave a deep impression on us.


高一7班 陈颖初

Aujourd’hui marque le troisième jour de mon entraînement militaire, une expérience profondément émouvante. Le dévouement sans faille des instructeurs envers nous, ainsi que leur sollicitude envers mes camarades, m'ont particulièrement touchée. Leur gentillesse et le soutien entre camarades sont remarquables.

Malgré un temps peu clément, nous poursuivons nos exercices avec détermination. Ces quelques jours ont été pour moi une leçon de persévérance. Comme le célèbre dicton le proclame, "vouloir, c'est pouvoir". Cet entraînement militaire revêt une signification toute particulière. La fatigue est bien présente, mais ma satisfaction l'est davantage. Alignés en une file disciplinée, nous suivons attentivement les directives des instructeurs, une épreuve mettant à l'épreuve notre esprit et notre volonté.


高一8班 庄辰

Aujourd'hui, c'est la troisième journée de ma formation militaire, une journée splendide !

Le soleil rayonne dans le ciel, m'enveloppant de sa lumière chaleureuse tout au long de notre entraînement. Je suis comblée.

Du matin au soir, j'ai scrupuleusement suivi chaque instruction, donnant le meilleur de moi-même. Malgré la fatigue qui s'est installée, j'ai persévéré. Avec mes camarades, nous nous sommes encouragés mutuellement, échangeant des sourires et des encouragements à chaque étape.

En somme, cette journée m'a enseigné beaucoup. J'ai appris à apprécier des expériences différentes et à embrasser des vies différentes.

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