2015年11月 我校高二英语班两位学生获得梅西高中金色徽章
发布日期:2016-01-18   来源:   作者:








We are pleased to announce that we have appointed 16 gold badge prefects (who will be the top leaders of the school in 2016).  The categories are as follows:


-          Head Boy/ Head Girl

-          Deputy Head Boy/ Deputy Head Girl

-          Sports Leaders

-          Arts Leaders

-          Cultural Leaders

-          Community Leaders

-          Academic Leaders


International Leaders (To recognise the growth of international students at Massey High School, we have created two leadership positions to nurture leadership and promote ties within the school and wider community. The international prefects for 2016 are SHEN Yichen (Andy) and WANG Meng (Liseana).


We want to strengthen the relationship between Guangming High School and Massey High School and these appointments have been on the merit of these students.


Please see photos below of Andy and Liseana with me Sam, and one of the staff that went to Guangming High School last year.  This was announced at our senior prizegiving last week. We are in our graduation regalia.


Kind regards



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