发布日期:2019-07-06   来源:上海市光明中学   作者:2018级光明学子

The changeable weather brought us constant rains, so we had to take part in the indoor activities.

On the afternoon of July 2, we were taught how to separate cotton from its seeds. It seemed an easy job, but we had to do it very carefully.

What excited us most was to carry a pole and roll straw ropes. Taught 3 different methods, we all managed to handle the pole properly. Then we learned how to roll straw ropes. Hard as we worked, we produced a great bunch of straw ropes, which were later used as the decorations of our models. To our expectation, the straw-rope fashion show was a great success.

“Every grain comes from hard work.” What occurs to us is that only if we put our hearts into the work can we truly gain happiness from it.

20181 余佳镁


Singing and joking, we have spent the happy days together in the countryside. The July 2 was our second day of agriculture training with the weird weather.

In the afternoon, our drillmasters offered us the opportunities to do cotton separation. Cotton textiles touch our daily life. Cotton is a soft fiber that grows around the seeds of the cotton plants. The fiber is most often spun into products and used to make soft, breathable textile. I, together with my teachers and classmates, did the job joyfully and patiently.

Then we were taught to take pole carrying and do straw rolling. Most of my classmates could take the pole carrying steadily, but I was so clumsy to do so, which disappointed me most. However, the following activity really thrilled me because it was the straw-rope production exhibition. My classmate, Mr shi, acted as a model, I was in charge interpreting the original idea of the design. We succeeded in cooperating for the first time.

The next morning, once again, we went into the field to pull up weeds. Exposed to nature, we enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful rural landscape. Learning farming benefits us a lot.

20182 韩凌骏


Yesterday afternoon we were given a lecture on agriculture. Then we rolled the grass-ropes. Each of us took an active part in it. In the evening we learned about ancient solar calendar. It was interesting, unbelievable and fantastic. Then we had a competitive knowledge contest today. We pulled up weeds this morning. It was tiring but meaningful.

20183 胡颖


I, together with my teachers and classmates came to ChongMing Island to learn farming the other day. The days we spent there were meaningful and colorful. What impressed me most was the experience of pulling up weeds in the field. The grass looked like a green carpet. A scented summer breeze floated in the air. The grasshoppers and butterflies we found occasionally were around us. It is the first time we have done this job. Simple as it was, the job brought us much fun. We tried our best to pull up weeds, sweating and laughing. Soon the field was cleared up. How enjoyable we were!

I hope I can learn more in the days to come.

20184 蒲俊铭


The moment we opened our eyes, the sun shone through our dormitory window. It looked like a perfect day for outdoor activities. As the birds sang along with our footsteps, we were led by our beloved officers to the cornfield to pull up weeds. Everyone roared out “One Two Three Four” at the top of their voices, creating a military atmosphere. The insects in the air greeted us with a warm welcome, though we didn’t really like them. We did our best to do the job.

“Every grain comes from hard work.” This is what everyone has learned from this meaningful day. I do believe that we will spend the next three days with smiles and cheers.

20185 卢奕


Aujourd’hui, nous sommes arrivés à Chongming. Il a fait une température agréable, mais malheureusement, il a plu très fort. On a eu peur des exercices physiques, parce que c’est trop fatigant. Quand nous sommes entrés dans le dortoir, nous avons été tristes. Elle est trop petite. Ensuite, nous avons fait le ménage. A 11h, nous avons déjeuné. Nous avons pris du porc, des légumes, du poulet et de la soupe. Les plats sont délicieux. J’en ai été très contente. Alors, nous avons continué à faire le ménage. Nous avons été très fatigués. L’après-midi, nous avons appris une chanson et nous l’avons chantée ensemble. Ensuite, nous sommes allés au terrain de sport pour faire quelques exercices physiques. A 17h, nous nous sommes douchés dans la salle de bains commune qui n’est pas assez propre. J’ai été épuisée après cette journée chargée.

20186班 黎昀


Aujourd’hui, c’est la deuxième journée. Tout le monde s’est levé de bonne heure, à 6h15. On s’est peigné, s’est lavé et on a rangé notre chambre. On a été occupé ce matin et on a fait tout cela en 30 minutes. Après le déjeuner, le prof nous a montré comment faire le lit. On trouve que ce n’est pas facile du tout. Ensuite on a vu un film à propos de l’agriculture. Après, on a essayé d’enlever les écorces du coton. C’est un travail dur, mais petit à petit, on l’a trouvé très intéressant. Quelle matinée remplie.

20187班 王佳礼


Le premier jour, tout était magnifique. Le déjeuner était vraiment délicieux, mais pendant le déjeuner, on ne pouvait pas se parler parce que les règlements sont stricts.

Aujourd’hui, on se prépare mieux qu’hier. Avant de sortir, nous avons tout fait. Malheureusement, il pleuvait, donc on peut pas faire de grandes choses. Dans le dortoir, le prof nous a enseigné comment faire notre lit. C’était vraiment magnifique.

20188班 尚翊 










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